Annie Lennox & Dave Stewart Events, Appearances & Performances in 1996

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We have thousands of scans of tickets, back stage passes, adverts, posters, setlists and magazine reviews in our gigography, along with online reviews, photos from the concerts and relevant programmes.

M: Memorabilia   G: Gallery   P: Programme  V: Video

To see all the details for an event click on View Gig especially if we have a Gallery or a Programme.

Date1LocationDetailsMGPVView Gig
1996-02-28Shrine Auditorium
Los Angeles
Annie Lennox
38th Grammy Awards : Annie Lennox won the award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for "No More I Love You's"

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1996-06-12Royal Geographical Society
The UK
Dave Stewart
Paradise Syndrome Lecture : Dave presented his lecture on Paradise Syndrome and played with Daryl Hall.

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