Lyrics for Talkin’ ’bout A Miracle by Dave Stewart from the album Ghost The Musical

LYRICS FOR Talkin' 'bout A Miracle

“Miracle, miracle talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle talking bout a

If she can make a living talking to the dead

If she hears the conversations and knows what was said

Then she may be a princess, more than just a mortal

But we need her to convince us, she’s going through the portal

Trust me she’s the real deal

She looks around with her third eye, she sees the future today

She makes the heaven connection, you don’t have to pray

Cause she’s connected and crossing over

She’s our salvation on the other side


We’re talking about a miracle

Only she can help us all

Only she can take us there

We’re talking bout a miracle

If only she can see it all

Everything from here to there

Would you all just quiet down

This would be a whole lot easier if you weren’t all screaming in my ear

OK, he still loves you OK, you’re done

We have to move on

Sorry but we have a long line of people here

Oh, I love you Henry, tell her I love her

Let her go Henry, you’re a ghost, she can’t hear you

Can I get a Red Bull in here?

OK, you can do this; just remember it’s a gift

You got the gift girl, pull yourself together

Where’s my Red Bull

She has got the shining, some visionary voodoo

She goes divining like so very few do

Dialling in no station to the land of the spirits

That’s her occupation, she can really hear it

Sister Oda Mae, this Ortisha Jones

My sister, that’s my sister

Welcome Ortisha Jones and what’s your loved ones name


So you need to concentrate cause if you concentrate we can probably rouse him

You don’t need to rouse me, I’m roused

OK, OK did I hear you Orlando?

I’m here

Back off, quit yelling at me

He’s here

She’s amazing

We’re talking about a miracle

Only she can help us all

Only she can take us there

Yes, we’re talking bout a miracle

Only she can see it all

Everything from here to there

It’s just a miracle, miracle talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle, talking bout a miracle

Miracle, miracle talking bout a……..miracle”

4048 - Dave Stewart - Ghost The Musical - The UK - CD - CDGHOST1