Hello my dear friends…I hope you are all in good health , Heart and spirit.

I hope we can all keep fighting and winning battles without losing hope. That we can get as much happiness out of life as we can. To keep working for a better and more compasionate World..

I want to invite you to buy or listen to my new cd “ MUNDO AL REVES “ ( World upside down ) in all the virtual shops like itunes , Amazon etc . It is only $6 and with this Money I will keep on working with my organization called Foneva , helping children in need and animals as well. www.foneva.org


For those who have not the possibility of buying the album you will be able to download it for free in my website www.chuchomerchan.com

This new video called Olvidados (forgotten) is about homless people living in the streets of colombia and the world..they are called in colombia disposable and it is a word i hate when applied to people.we will like to call them ” forgotten “

All best wishes from the bottom of my Heart and hope you will like them……Chucho

Visit Chucho’s website here