Annie Lennox was mentioned in the proceedings from the Scottish Parliament last week. You can read the extract below suggesting that ANnie’s challenege she made in Edinburgh is to be taken up.
Throughout the development of the plan, the stigma and discrimination faced by people who are infected and affected by HIV were of utmost concern. In Scotland, the extent of that stigma and discrimination was recently highlighted by children and young people during a needs assessment that was funded by the Elton John AIDS Foundation. That work, which was supported by Annie Lennox, gives us an understanding of the work that we must undertake in relation to HIV services for young people in Scotland. I of course welcome Annie Lennox’s willingness to become the Scottish ambassador—or whatever we choose to call the post—for women and children who are affected by HIV, and I would be delighted to do what I can to make that happen.
To read the full article, click here